
Implement the type version of Array.unshift(). For example:

type Result = Unshift<[1, 2], 0>; // [0, 1, 2]


This one has a lot in common with the Push challenge. There we were using variadic tuple types to get all the elements from an array.

Here we do pretty the same, but in a different order. First, let us take all the elements from the incoming array:

type Unshift<T, U> = [...T];

With this snippet, we are getting the compilation error “A rest element type must be an array type”. Let us fix the error by adding a constraint over the type parameter:

type Unshift<T extends unknown[], U> = [...T];

Now, we have the same array as the incoming one. All we need is to add an element to the beginning of the tuple. Let’s do just that:

type Unshift<T extends unknown[], U> = [U, ...T];

That way, we made an “unshift” function in the type system!
