
Implement the type version of lodash’s _.flip.

Type FlipArguments<T> requires a function type T and returns a new function type which has the same return type of T but reversed parameters.

For example:

type Flipped = FlipArguments<
  (arg0: string, arg1: number, arg2: boolean) => void
// (arg0: boolean, arg1: number, arg2: string) => void


The solution for this challenge is very straightforward. Check if the type T is a function type and if it is then reverse its arguments.

type FlipArguments<T> = T extends (...args: [...infer P]) => infer R
  ? never
  : never;

Having captured the function arguments in P and its return type in R, let’s reverse the arguments and return the same from our expression above.

type MyReverse<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [...infer F, infer S]
  ? [S, ...MyReverse<F>]
  : [];

type FlipArguments<T> = T extends (...args: [...infer P]) => infer R
  ? (...args: MyReverse<P>) => R
  : never;
