
Implement type AllCombinations<S> that return all combinations of strings which use characters from S at most once. For example:

type AllCombinations_ABC = AllCombinations<"ABC">;
// should be '' | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'AB' | 'AC' | 'BA' | 'BC' | 'CA' | 'CB' | 'ABC' | 'ACB' | 'BAC' | 'BCA' | 'CAB' | 'CBA'


It took me some time and some hints from people to solve this one. Turns out to be pretty challenging at some points. I’ll try to explain it as incrementally as possible, but can’t guarantee that everything will be well explained, sorry. Feel free to discuss in the comments and offer your explanations and solutions, thanks!

So we need to build combinations of the letters. What first comes to mind is to use a union of characters, so we can enumerate those in mapped types. To get a union of characters from the string, we can take a peek into the other solution we have here - StringToUnion. I’m not going to dive into details here. In case there is something unclear, take a look into the solution for StringToUnion.

Ok, here is one to get a union of characters from the string:

type StringToUnion<S> = S extends `${infer C}${infer R}`
  ? C | StringToUnion<R>
  : never;

type R0 = StringToUnion<"ABCD">;
// type R0 = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D"

In two words, we split the string into the first character and the rest of the string. The first character goes as the item of the union, while the rest recursively goes into the same type. Which gives us a union of characters, exactly what we need.

Having a union of characters, it will be easier to enumerate those. Let’s start with the blank type we need to implement:

type AllCombinations<S> = any;

Here, type parameter S holds the string we need to work with. Let’s add another type parameter to hold the union of characters and call it U:

type AllCombinations<S, U = StringToUnion<S>> = any;

So when our type will be called with the string in S, the type parameter U will be populated by the union of S characters. Let’s see it in action:

type R0 = AllCombinations<"ABCD">;
// type S = 'ABCD'
// type U = 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D'

To create a combination, we need to take one character from the union and append to it other combinations. It will continue unless there are no characters left. So we will start with the conditional type that checks if the union is empty or not. Remember, from the StringToUnion type, when there are no characters it will return type never. So the check here is actually the check for never type:

type AllCombinations<S, U = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never ? never : never;

In case the union is empty, it means to us that there are no characters left, and we can return an empty string:

type AllCombinations<S, U = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never ? "" : never;

Otherwise, we need to take the character from the union and the rest of them. It can be simply achieved by using distributed mapped types. But in order to not overwhelm you, let’s add a mapped type that simply returns the character for now:

type AllCombinations<S, U = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: C };

With this type in place, we have a union of object types where the keys and the values are the characters of the string. For instance:

type R0 = AllCombinations<"ABCD">;
// type R0 = { A: "A"; } | { B: "B"; } | { C: "C"; } | { D: "D"; }

Getting a compiler complaining about “Type ‘U’ is not assignable to type ‘string | number | symbol’”. By adding a generic constraint over type parameter U we can fix this:

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: C };

Now, having objects for each character, we can start replacing the single character with the combinations. So, instead of having C as a value, we need to have a string that starts with C and other combinations:

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, never>}` };

However, when calling the AllCombinations type recursively, I put two never types as parameters. Let’s think about what we need to put there instead.

The first type parameter S is being used as an input string, so we really don’t care about it at this step, because we have a union of its characters. The second type parameter is used as characters we need to work with. Having one of them already in place (C), we need to pass the rest of them without it. So we exclude C from the union:

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = U extends never
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, Exclude<U, C>>}` };

Since U is a union, we need to ensure that conditional type will not apply distribution to it when checking against never type. To do so, we wrap them in square brackets. Otherwise, it will not check for type being never. There is another solution, where you can read more about it - IsNever.

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = [U] extends [
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, Exclude<U, C>>}` };

At this point, we have combinations of characters in the form of the objects. To convert them back into union, we can use the indexed access type on the object type and get anything that is in keys of U:

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = [U] extends [
  ? ""
  : { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, Exclude<U, C>>}` }[U];

This way, we got not the objects in key-value form, but the union of all values of the object which are our combinations.

The last piece of the puzzle is the empty string added to our union:

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = [U] extends [
  ? ""
  : "" | { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, Exclude<U, C>>}` }[U];

The whole solution with two types being made here:

type StringToUnion<S> = S extends `${infer C}${infer R}`
  ? C | StringToUnion<R>
  : never;

type AllCombinations<S, U extends string = StringToUnion<S>> = [U] extends [
  ? ""
  : "" | { [C in U]: `${C}${AllCombinations<never, Exclude<U, C>>}` }[U];
