
From T, pick a set of properties whose type are assignable to U. For example:

type OnlyBoolean = PickByType<
    name: string;
    count: number;
    isReadonly: boolean;
    isEnable: boolean;
>; // { isReadonly: boolean; isEnable: boolean; }


In this challenge, we need to iterate over the object and filter out only those fields that are assignable to U. It is obvious that we definitely need to start from the mapped types.

So that we begin with creating an object that copies all the keys from the T:

type PickByType<T, U> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] };

First, we got all the keys from the T and applied an iteration to them. On each iteration, TypeScript will assign the key to type P. Having a key, we get the value type by using lookup types T[P].

Now, applying a filter to the iteration will allow us to find only those that are assignable to U. When I’m saying “filter”, I mean the key remapping in this case. We can apply key remapping and check if the key is the key we need:

type PickByType<T, U> = {
  [P in keyof T as T[P] extends U ? never : never]: T[P];

Notice the as keyword, it is the keyword that shows the start of key remapping. After the keyword, we can write a conditional type to check the value type. In case the value type is assignable to the type U, we will return the key as is with no changes. However, in case the value type is not assignable to U, we leave never:

type PickByType<T, U> = { [P in keyof T as T[P] extends U ? P : never]: T[P] };

That way, we made a type that filters out the keys by its value type.
