
Implement RemoveIndexSignature<T>, exclude the index signature from object types. For example:

type Foo = {
  [key: string]: any;
  foo(): void;

type A = RemoveIndexSignature<Foo>; // expected { foo(): void }


We are having a deal with the objects here. I bet we will use mapped types later. But for now, let us dive into the problem statement and figure out the requirement.

We have been asked to remove index signatures from the object types. How do they look like? By calling keyof operator we can take a peek into it.

E.g. having a type “Bar” and calling keyof on it results in:

type Bar = { [key: number]: any; bar(): void }; // number | “bar”

Interesting, so it turns out that they represent any key on the object as a string type literal. While the index signature has just a type like number or string.

It leads me to the idea that we need to filter out any keys that are not type literals. But, how do we check if the type is a type literal or not? We can use the nature of sets and check if some set is a subset or not. For instance, the type literal “foo” extends from the string, but not otherwise, “foo” is too narrow to be a string.

"foo" extends string // true
string extends "foo" // false

Let’s use it and create a type that will filter out strings and numbers, leaving only type literals. First, we will check the case with the string:

type TypeLiteralOnly<T> = string extends T ? never : never;

In case T is a string, the condition evaluates to true. What do we do if we got a string? We skip it by returning the never type. Otherwise, let us check the same for the number type:

type TypeLiteralOnly<T> = string extends T
  ? never
  : number extends T
  ? never
  : never;

What if T is neither a string nor number? It means we got a type literal here, so we return it back to the caller:

type TypeLiteralOnly<T> = string extends T
  ? never
  : number extends T
  ? never
  : T;

Now, we have a wrapper that can filter out index signature and return type literals only. How do we apply it on each key? By using mapped types!

At first, let us create a copy of the type:

type RemoveIndexSignature<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] };

While iterating on the keys, we can remap them by using our wrapper. We call TypeLiteralOnly on each key:

type RemoveIndexSignature<T> = { [P in keyof T as TypeLiteralOnly<P>]: T[P] };

That way, we have an iteration on the keys that filters out index signature, leaving type literals only.

type TypeLiteralOnly<T> = string extends T
  ? never
  : number extends T
  ? never
  : T;
type RemoveIndexSignature<T> = { [P in keyof T as TypeLiteralOnly<P>]: T[P] };
