
Implement a generic RequiredByKeys<T, K> which takes two type arguments T and K.

K specifies the set of properties of T that should be set to required. When K is not provided, it should make all properties required just like the normal Required<T>.


The challenge asks us to mark all the properties present in K to be required. So first let’s extract all these properties.

type RequiredProperties<T, K> = {
  [P in keyof T as P extends K ? P : never]-?: T[P];

Notice how we’ve used -? in the expression above. This is what we call Mapping Modifier. This tells TypeScript that we don’t want any of the properties to have an optional modifier ?.

Now that we have the required properties, let’s extract all the properties that should be left untouched. These are the set of properties which are not present in K.

type MyOmit<F, S> = { [P in keyof F as P extends S ? never : P]: F[P] };

type EverythingFromTExceptK<T, K> = MyOmit<T, K>;

Since we have both parts of our solution, let’s merge them into one singular type.

type MyMerge<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] };

type RequiredByKeys<T, K = keyof T> = MyMerge<
  RequiredProperties<T, K> & EverythingFromTExceptK<T, K>
