
Implement TrimLeft<T> which takes an exact string type and returns a new string with the whitespace beginning removed.

For example:

type trimmed = TrimLeft<"  Hello World  ">; // expected to be 'Hello World  '


When you need to work with template strings in types, you need to use template literal types. It allows to model the strings in type system.

We have two cases here: the string with a white space on the left and the string without a white space. In case we have a white space, we need to infer the other part of the string and check it for white space again. Otherwise, we return the inferred part without changes.

Let us write a conditional type so we can use type inferring and combine it with a template literal type:

type TrimLeft<S> = S extends ` ${infer T}` ? TrimLeft<T> : S;

Turns out, that’s not a solution. Some test cases are not passing. That is because we do not handle the newline and tabs. Let us fix that by replacing the white space with a union of those three:

type TrimLeft<S> = S extends `${" " | "\n" | "\t"}${infer T}` ? TrimLeft<T> : S;
